My Biggest Lesson This Summer ☘️

Hi friend,

Do you remember the summer holidays back when you were a kid — and how they would seem to last forever? Back then, I used to spend the whole year longing for those weeks.

As an adult however, I must admit that my attitude towards summer holidays have shifted completely. I haven’t been able to really put my finger on WHY — until just recently. And that made me realize: I know exactly what I need to do differently next year, to start feeling excited about summer holidays again..!

Over the past 6 weeks, we’ve had a lot of friends and family visiting us. Not just here and there — I’m talking about nearly every single day. And yes, it’s been cosy and fun and all of that. BUT, hosting so many people for that long has also been pretty exhausting. Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not saying that I regret spending time with our family and friends this summer. I’m simply stating that I wish there was more time.

But. I also do recognize that it is 100% up to me to make a change, if I want one to happen.

This is why Christine and I promised each other that next year, when the summer arrives again, we’ll make sure to book 3-4 weeks WITHOUT any visits whatsoever. No work — and no plans with family, nor friends. Because we both know that IF we leave it open, we’re likely to say YES to too many things, simply because we have a hard time saying NO to fun stuff.

Ok, Kalle what are you trying to say here? Well… This:

We all have 24 hours in a day. It is up to you to decide what to make with the limited time you’re given. To make the most out of it. And sometimes, honestly, all you need is to spend those 24 (or more) hours with your door shut, resting comfortably on your sofa, recharging your batteries. And that it perfectly fine.

Hey! My Newest Video Is Out!

In this video I go through some of the questions I’ve gotten, in a very honest Q&A. And hey, spoiler alert — in the middle of recording this video, I suddenly found myself in tears.

Curious to find out why? Go ahead and watch my newest video HERE.

My Top Three

This interview with Tom Holland is simply amazing. I love how brutally honest he is and how it’s actually a REAL conversation, rather than a normal interview.

✒️ Quote: by John Dryden

"We first make our habits, then our habits make us."

📺 TV series: Alone

This is one of my absolute favorite shows! It’s a reality show about ten survival “experts”, attempting to survive in the wild — in total isolation. The winner receives $500,000 in the end.

I just find it so interesting to see what happens to these people and how they handle being isolated from other people for MONTHS. How would YOU handle it?

Until next time.

Hugs Kalle