My Dream Job Is Giving Me Anxiety

Hey friend,

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been struggling. For whatever reason, it’s been really hard to feel motivated to do anything at all, and despite living the life of my dreams, I haven’t been able to feel particularly positive.

(Relaxe. This won’t be a written complaint, I promise 😉 Just bear with me.)

So when did it start, this funk that I’m in? Well.. I don’t exactly know when, but at some point in the beginning of spring, something happened. Editing my YouTube videos triggered some kind of anxiety within me, and whenever I thought of work, I just wanted to lie down on the sofa and do NOTHING. I would open my projects on the computer screen, but end up just staring at them. Completely paralyzed and unable to motivate myself to do any work at all.

In times like these, the power of having the right kind of people in your life becomes really clear to me. Instead of staying stuck in my own head, I decided to call a YouTube colleague. I needed to vent about this weird state of mind that I was in — but little did I know that she had been feeling the exact same thing.

We talked and ventilated for almost 2 hours, to then realize we actually have the best jobs in the world. Sure, it isn’t always fun and easy. No job is. But we can still be grateful for getting to spend our lives doing what we love.

Sometimes, what you really need is a new perspective, to see how blessed you are, and how much you have in your life. To give you another example:

You can either say to yourself “ah, man… I have to clean my freaking house again” OR you can shift your perspective and say: “I’m so grateful to have a house of my own that I get to clean and live in”.

Which perspective will you choose, the next time you struggle to find motivation?

My Latest Videos

My biggest project this year has, without doubts, been the A-frame cottage that I’m building in our forest. I’ve done a whole video series on the topic, where you get to follow along on the whole process. We’re not done yet, but we’re getting so close now — and I can’t wait to start decorating, and actually USE the cottage for work 😃 I'm so excited about how it's turning out!

Have you been following the process of the A-frame? Then there’s a brand new video waiting for you on my YouTube channel! Have you totally missed out on this video series of mine? No worries! You’ll find every video on my channel. Just head on over and enjoy them over a nice cup of tea.

As you may have understood by now, I’m a HUGE movie nerd. However, for the past 4 years, I’ve been watching every single movie and series on my small laptop on the kitchen table. It has done the job — but it hasn’t been super cozy, to be honest. Haha..

But! Our place has finally gotten a MASSIVE upgrade: a home movie theatre — cabin style! Such a fun building project to take on, that has really elevated the level of coziness in our home.

Curious about the big transformation? Well, you’re lucky! I’ve just uploaded a video of it all on Nebula; a creator owned streaming service that I am a part of. So if you want to watch us build our very own home movie theater, just click on the button below and you’ll get an exclusive discount, where you only need to pay 2 dollars and 50 cents each month when you sign up for the annual subscription.

My Top Three

🎤 Live concert: Fred Again - Tiny Desk Concert

This guy prepared for weeks to do this live show — and it’s AMAZING! You gotta see it!

This is a song I kinda stumbled upon on TikTok. But I feel like I need to put a disclaimer here, because it is 100% addictive. Once you’ve heard it, there’s no return. The energy of this track is ridiculously contagious!

Casey Neistat is, and has always been, my all time favorite creator on Youtube. This particular interview got me really inspired, so I really wanted to share it with you. It’s so cool to hear about how he literally started from nothing!

Until next time,

Hugs Kalle
