🙌 My New Daily Habit

Hi friend,

So I’m on a new journey that I want to share with you. Or it’s technically not new to me, but I’ve kind of rediscovered it.

For the past few months, I've been struggling with the constant chatter of my mind. So even tho I live in a very slow environment in the forest. It may sound paradoxical, but despite my efforts to escape stress, I found myself overwhelmed by it.

As both a daydreamer and an entrepreneur, my notepads and journals have been overflowing with ideas, thoughts, and visions. I've been relentlessly chasing the "next big idea," leading me to burnout.

So I realized something had to change, I can’t keep going at this pace.

So for the last 21 days I’ve done daily meditations! Focusing on breathing and relaxing my tense muscles. And the change is…out of this world! Just a few minutes a day makes such a difference! Some days are effortless, with complete presence and focus on my breath, while on others, my thoughts wander. However, I've learned to gently redirect my attention, ease my shoulders, and return to my breath.

I personally use an app called Headspace for my meditations. I actually started subscribing to them all the way back in 2017. So can really recommend it to you as well!

I want to be clear that Headspace hasn't paid me to share this in the newsletter, but they did sponsor one of my YouTube videos. And since I truly believe that you will get a ton of value from their app, I want to extend an offer to you. By using the link below, you'll receive 60 days of free access to their meditation resources. It's a risk-free opportunity to explore the benefits of meditation for yourself. So you can always try it out, you have nothing to loose 😊

My brand new video!

I just uploaded a new video titled "What if More People Lived Like This?" - I honestly feel so happy showing this one to you guys, because I really found my way back to my "old" style of videos! And I had so much fun making it, I hope you will like it as well!

My Top Three

This video by Max Fosh, one of my favorites on YouTube, is just sooo wholesome! I showed it to Christine as well and she said "Omg I was laughing and smiling through this whole episode 🙈❤️ Love it!”

📱 App - One Sec

I discovered this app a few weeks ago, it forces you to take a deep breath and wait a few seconds whenever you open social media apps. It’s as simple as effective: Friction removes instant gratification and makes distracting apps less appealing. I’ve been using it on Instagram, since that app is just eating up my time if I’m not careful.

✒ Quote

“Meditation helps us let go, of the expectations we place on ourselves and those placed upon us by others.”

Until next time,

Hugs Kalle