😳 What Are People Gonna Say?

Hi friend,

You know that awkward feeling when you’re about to do something completely new and out of your comfort zone? You kind of look like this big question mark, feeling all nervous about what others may say or think about what you’re about to do 😳

I totally know how that feels — because I’ve literally just gone through it. And to be honest, I procrastinated this project for quite some time. Why? Because I didn’t know where to start and before I knew it, I started second guessing every little thing about it.

So what project am I talking about? Our very own herb garden — built from scratch! 🌱 Even though I had NO idea on how it should all be done, I eventually figured that all I had to do was to take that first step. To just begin, anywhere. And to try not to let my inner perfectionist take over.

Planks were dragged over the lawn, metal was ground, and soil was poured out. And after a few days of hard work — there it was. Our very own AND first herb garden, full of plants and seeds in the soil. Was it perfect? Absolutely not! But is it ours? 100%!

I know so many people who ends up being their own biggest obstacle, simply because they let the fear of being judged stop them from going after their dreams. The fear of what friends, family members and colleagues may think. I often think of my own choice to live up north, in a simple little cabin, without running water or internet. I had a lot of people in my life who couldn’t understand my choice. At least not until they started seeing the results of it, such as noticing how much happier I was.

What I want to leave you with today it this:

If you’re walking around out there, thinking about starting a new project — just get started. Anywhere. Just take one little step to set things in motion, and the rest will fall into place. And when you do this, remember these words:

Nobody is thinking about you. They’re far too busy thinking about themselves and that’s a good thing.

Curious About Our Herb Garden?

You know me by now — of course I’ve filmed it for you 😉 So if you wanna have a good look at how I built our herb garden, and the thought process behind it, just head on over to Youtube.

My Top Three

📺 Tv-series: Severence

The fact that I watched the ENTIRE series in just two days, should probably give you a hint on how much I loved this one, haha. Actually, this was the first time in ages where I felt like I didn’t know what was gonna happen next in an episode. Most films and tv shows today are ridiculously predictable these days — but not Severence! 😍

📕 Book: The Storyteller, by Dave Grohl

Dave has always been one of my big idols. Literally ever since I was a kid. It’s not just about his huge talent as a drummer or singer, but rather his personality. His outlook on life. He has this super positive approach to life, despite having been through some serious crap throughout his life and career. And I really love how personal this book is. Definitely a must-read!

✒️ Quote: by Seneca

“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.”

Ready To Design Your Dream Life?

I wanna help you get there! To that place in life where you truly feel like you’re living your dream. To that place in life where you simply enjoy being alive, because it fills you with a sense of purpose, and fulfillment.

How do I know I can help? Because I’ve done it all, my friend. I’ve walked the path from A to Z and I’ve written it all down for you. As a friendly guide, a book of inspiration, a handy box of tools and a story to draw strength from. And to be honest — so much more.

I call it: Find Your True North — Your roadmap to creating a life you don’t need vacation from. And you know what? You can get your own copy, right in this instant! All you need to do is click HERE 👈🏽

Until next time,

Hugs Kalle