A powerful sentence for over thinkers 🧠

Hi friend,

Since January this year, I’ve been working on my biggest project ever: creating my very own online course. I was SO excited to get started! But pretty much immediately, something happened that stopped me before I had even begun.

It happened while I was doing research in order to find out what an online course is expected to include. I realized I hadn’t quite understood how many months of hard work it would take me to finalize the online course I had envisioned. Pretty soon I ended up just staring at my computer screen, completely frozen. How the hell was I supposed to achieve this thing!?

I don’t really know if it was by chance or meant to be, but instead of start working on my online course, I ended up opening Instagram to kill my time. And the very first video that showed up on my phone was this interview, where a guy was asked to give his advice to overthinkers. He said:

“A quote, that has helped me immeasurably, is from the book The Horse, the Boy, the Fox and the Mole.

A boy and a horse were in the woods, and the boy said to horse:

“I can’t see a way through.”

“Can you see your next step?"


“Then just take that”, said the horse.”

It is so easy to look at a goal and into the future, to then get overwhelmed and instantly start overthinking. Sometimes you end up overthinking so much, that you don’t ever manage to get started. Instead, imagine how much easier it would be if you saved all the worries about the end result for later, to only focus on your very next step. Just that ONE tiny step that will take you closer to your goal, for now.

As for myself and my online course — the first step I needed to take, was to simply make a list of all the things I would like to include. And believe it or not, but as soon as I had initiated that first step, things started rolling on their own.

Actually, If you have a spare minute, I would love to get YOUR help in my next step on the creation of my online course. The working title is Actual Change — Discover your true self, ignite your spark within to break free, and launch your next chapter in life. My question to you is:

If you were to enroll in an online course like this, what would be your goal? What would you hope to achieve and learn?

Dog sledding in the Arctic

The main reason I quit my job and moved all the way out here, to my cabin in the forest, was because I longed for more control over how I spend my time. I wanted to be able to do what I want, when I want it.

Earlier this year I took Christine on an adventure that is THE perfect example of the life I dreamt about when living in the city. A life where you are free to leave your home in the middle of a normal work week, to travel 10 hours up north for a dream adventure in the wild Arctic. And let me tell you — it was EPIC!

This trip wasn’t only an unforgettable adventure, but it also ended up becoming the biggest video project I have ever edited. It took me WEEKS to get it all together and finally publish it. And I am SO happy to read the comments and hear how appreciated it has been already ❤️ 

Haven’t seen the video I’m talking about yet? Then you most definitely should! And hey, if you enjoy it — don’t forget to share it with a friend.

My Top Three

🎤 Stand-up Comedian: Matt Rife

One of my all time favorites when it comes to stand-up comedians, recently posted his full special on Youtube. Entirely for FREE! If you haven’t experiences Matt before; what are you waiting for!? He’s hilarious — and his special already has over 10 million views.

📕 Book: The Creative Act, by Rick Rubin

A beautiful book, filled with wisdom regarding creativity. If you haven’t heard of Rick Rubin before, he is most famous for his way of creating a strong safe space where artists of wildly different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. This is truly a must-read for any creative person!

✒️ Quote: By Nat Eliason

“It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of greener grass through more money, travel, sex, experiences, people, whatever you believe will bring you to that next level of bliss. But in most cases, the grass is greener where you water it. It’s not about trying to find that 99% perfect city, person, project, lifestyle, but about finding ones that are 80-90% of the way there and then investing in them to make them great.”

Until next time.

Hugs, Kalle