Unexpected Weekend with Strangers 🏕️

Hi friend,

This weekend I did something I need to do way more often — and I bet that you do too.

A good friend of mine, Per, is getting married next weekend. So for the past few months, 6 other guys and I have been planning a surprise bachelor party for him..! And this weekend it was time to set the whole thing in motion.

Step one: kidnap Per 🥷🏽

We put him in the car and took off. Before I go any further — NO. This was not your stereotypical bachelor party, with strippers everywhere and crazy drinking until you pass out 😅 Quite the opposite, actually!

After driving for a while, we arrived to an old barn that have been turned into an activity center. We spent the next few hours competing in pretty much everything from wrestling to Laser Tag — and we had so much fun! I LOVE competing (sometimes a bit too much, hehe), so I went all in for sure 😂

After blood, sweat and tears, it was time for step two: the main event.

We continued our journey to this beautiful lake, surrounded by lush forest. This was definitely the highlight of this weekend, at least if you ask me. But to be honest, I think the other guys would agree with me.

Right there, by the water, we put up a BIG military tent and made a cozy camp fire. I’m not joking when I say we had brought snacks with us that could’ve lasted for weeks 😅 We spent the rest of the weekend just like that. Sitting around the camp fire, eating snacks, and talking for hours, and hours.

Now, I actually didn’t know any of these guys, besides my friend Per. 

In fact, I met them all for the very first time that same morning when we kidnapped him. Despite that, we had such an amazing time together and the conversations we shared were so real. It made me think about how interesting it is that you can have so much in common with complete strangers, and how you never get the chance to really experience sharing a moment like the one we had, unless you put your phone away and stay fully present in the moment.

The guys and I couldn’t stop asking ourselves; why don’t we do this more often? You know, gather a group of friends, pick a cool spot to put up a campsite, and spend the night there. It’s literally the easiest setup ever. Like a big slumber party — but for adults. I mean, what’s not to like about it!?😍

Lesson learned. I definitely need more of this in my life.

Two Video Treats For You

In my latest video, that I published yesterday, I share three of the greatest life lessons I’ve learnt in life. Why are they so awesome? Because they’ve all helped me create and live a much happier life — and I know that they can do the same for you. Check it out and let me hear your thoughts 🙂 

Recently I also published a video called Silent Hiking to Discover The Secret of the Mountain. If you enjoy gorgeous scenery, hiking in the mountains, and cool discoveries — this is definitely a must-watch for you!

My Top Three

📕Book: The Third Door

I just finished this incredible book! It’s based on a true story that really tells the story of what happens, and how infinite the possibilities are when you never quit on your dream. It’s a total must-read!

This video interview is why I LOVE the internet! If you enjoy transparent and honest conversations, like I do, then you’ll probably find this interview with Ali Abdaal really inspiring. It truly inspired me when it comes to how to run my own business.

Benjamin is a Swedish pop artist that I’ve been listening to for many years. Actually, I even had the privilege to film him a few years ago. And this particular song, where he sings in Swedish, is one that we’ve been playing in the cabin a lot lately. I hope you like it!

Until next time,

Hugs Kalle